President at Globe Consult January 1992 - Present (32 Years, 11 Months) |
GlobeConsult Corporation was founded in November 1992 by its current president David K. du Feu and received
its Canadian federal incorporation in March 1993. GlobeConsult has undertaken many projects, large and
small, in more than ten countries around the world, including the United States, Indonesia, Uganda, Sri
Lanka, Portugal, United Kinddom, Vietnam, Taiwan and of course Canada. We have the necessary expertise
and resources to offer unique solutions to complex problems. We offer expert consulting on any size
international, national or local telecommunications project. We have access to a large base of highly
specialized personnel experienced in all aspects of telecommunications requirements; including, business
analyses, technical writing, documentation control, design, planning, implementation, operation,
administration and management, with emphasis on market surveys, feasibility studies, needs assessments,
technology gap analyses, user guides, manuals and business plans. We can provide assistance at any stage
of your project, from inception through to implementation and operation. We have particular experience in
Business Analysis, Business Transformation, writing business cases, RFIs and RFPs, assessing bid
submissions, responding to bidders' questions, and designing, developing and implementating
community-based, high-speed rural telecommunications, N11 specialty code facilities and Voice over IP
(VoIP) networks. We have developed a unique methodology for assessing the feasibility of Community
Broadband Networks providing a comprehensive, highly effective communications solution for community
institutions such as schools, universities, hospitals, businesses and governmental agencies whereby a
single, powerful and integrated network links all community applications.