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My picture isn't showing up!

If you are entering a URL for a picture, then you must be sure that your URL ends in .gif, .bmp, or .jpg. If your URL ends with anything else, then chances are, it is not an image. Our software can only nest an image into your auction, rather than an HTML encoded page.

Think you've got the HTML page instead of the image? Then look at your page, find the image, right click on it. If you see options to save, email, and print picture, then you are on a page of an image rather than the image itself. If you don't know the URL to your image, you can view the source code of your html page to find out where the image is located.

If you are loading an image directly from your computer, you may have encountered a connection break during the upload process. This is more likely to occur if your image is very large. A good, fast loading image will be between 5-20K, and will ensure that many visitors will get to see your picture.

If you need more information about posting items with images, please Click Here for a great tutorial on Image Handling.

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