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How it works

ClickAd Pages consist of:

1) Overview (Page)

2) Advertisers (Page)

a. Start Advertising Campaign (Tab)

b. Manage Campaign (Tab)

c. Manage Account (Tab)

3) Publishers Page

a. Account Setup (Tab)

b. Start Publisher Campaign (Tab)

c. Manage Campaign (Tab)

d. Manage Account (Tab)

Overview page:

This page is the home page of E3Hub ClickAds. From this page you can navigate to the Advertisers page of the publishers page. If you are not a registered member then you will be asked to register.

Advertisers page:

Start Advertising Campaign (Tab)

1) First Step includes:

Enter Ad Campaign name

Choosing Campaign

o Advertise Product

o Advertise Banner

2) Second step includes:

Campaign Costs

    • Pay per click: Max
    • Pay per view (1000) Max
    • Pay per sale: Max (amount paid out when item is sold)

Cost Controls

    • Set Daily Budget: (This is not available for pay per sale)
    • Set Campaign Budget:

Please note: Advertiser would need to pay for the campaign budget amount. This amount will be placed in advertising holding account to cover the cost of the advertising. This amount is not refundable and must be spent on e3buy Adworks campaigns.

3) Third Step includes:

Add banners or items in advertising campaign (Banners do not apply for pay per sale advertising)

    • Advertiser Inputs click URL (If pay per sale then System will automatically fund publishers account when a sale is complete)

    • Advertiser selects Geo Location to display ad- Select location.

· Country (All Locations)

· State (All Location)

· City (All Locations)

4) Fourth Step includes

Payment for advertising campaign

    • If Pay per Sale then advertiser will need to make payment of total Commissions of all items listed in campaign
    • If pay per click or per view then the payment will be for the amount of the campaign budget.

Manage Campaign (Tab)

1) The Advertiser will see campaign name. Shows total clicks/impression/amount spent for the campaign. With edit/Pause/cancel/ get CODE (system will open the popup window with HTML code for The campaign)

a. When Edit is selected the advertiser can edit any of the campaign settings.

2) When the camping name is clicked the advertiser can view the items/banners running in their campaign with clicks/impression/amount earned for each item with Pause.

Manage Account (Tab)

Linked to Transaction page

Publisher page:

Account Setup (Tab)

Website name:

Site Description:

Site URL:

Activate your site branding (When activated all “Advertise Here” clicks will bring users to the Adworks site with publishers branded logo.

Logo Upload (Preview) Current Logo view

Your ad site URL:

Start Publisher Campaign (Tab)

1) First Step includes

  • Campaign Name
  • URL of ad location

2) Second step includes

Chooses Product:

Ø Market Page View

Ø Market Skyscraper View

Ø Market picture/video View

Ø Market Banner Veiw

Ø Banner advertising Veiw

3) Third step includes

Choose e3buy Category that best describes their website

4) Forth step includes

Publisher Select min accepted advertising price:

  • Price per click: Min
  • Price per view (1000) Min
  • Commission of sale: Min

5) Fifth step includes:

Get HTML Button

Overview (Tab)

(Please see attached image for example)

Display Today’s Earnings

Have a search box (Today/yesterday/last 7 days/Month/all time) to view total Stats for search box input for clicks/impression/amount earned

Manage Campaign (Tab)

3) The publisher will first see campaign name which will show total clicks/impression/amount earned for the campaign. With edit/Pause/cancel/ get CODE (system will open the popup window with HTML code for The campaign)

a. When Edit is selected the publisher can edit any of the campaign settings.

4) When the camping name is clicked the publisher can view the items/banners running in their campaign with clicks/impression/amount earned for each item with Pause next to the item/banner to pause the item.

Manage Account (Tab)

Linked to Transaction page.

Product Display Description:

Market Page:

If the publisher selected this product the system will provide HTML code to copy/paste on your site under your sites header. This will provide a listing of products and services. This will include the category list with category count chosen by publisher with random number of items. As the website owner you will choose the price for advertising goods and services on your site. You may choose pay per view, pay per click or pay per sale.

Market Skyscraper:

If the publisher selected this product the system will provide HTML code to copy/paste on your site. This will provide a listing of products or services in a skyscraper type advertisement to be placed on your site. This will include a random number of items displayed as per the publishers chosen category. As the website owner you will choose the price for advertising goods and services on your site. You may choose pay per view, pay per click or pay per sale.

Market Banner:

If the publisher selected this product the system will provide HTML code to copy/paste on your site. This will provide a listing of products or services in a banner type advertisement to be placed on your site. This will include a random number of items displayed as per the publishers chosen category. As the website owner you will choose the price for advertising goods and services on your site. You may choose pay per view, pay per click or pay per sale.

Market Picture/Video:

If the publisher selected this product the system will provide HTML code to copy/paste on your site. This will provide a listing of products or services which will appear when a curser roles over the ad bar on the side of your image or video. As the website owner you will choose the price for advertising goods and services on your site. You may choose pay per view, pay per click or pay per sale.

As the website owner you will choose the price for advertising goods and services on your site. You may choose pay per view, pay per click or pay per sale.

Banner Ad:

Is a graphic banner advertising product for your site.

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